What are scheduled inactive channel reports?

Scheduled Inactive Channel Reports are quite simply, the inactive channel reports sent to the #chronicles regularly. A typical report sent to #chronicles will look like this:


“View Results Online” will open the results of the reports in your web browser, “Archive inactive channels” will archive all channels with no activity in over 30 days, in this case 5 channels, and “Ignore Results” simply marks the report that you have ignored the results.

This feature is enabled by default as it is non-intrusive, Chronicle will only actively scan your team but will never archive any channels without a user explicitly selecting “Archive inactive channels”.

To enable or disable the feature, use the checkbox highlighted in red below on the page https://www.chronicle-app.com/dashboard/channels, just make sure to hit “Save”.



To change the interval of inactive channel reports, select “Advanced Options” below, you should see a screen like this:


Use the “Interval of Inactive Channel Reports” option to change how often Inactive Channel Reports are sent to your Slack team.